I met her on 20th of May. What to say more than the first time. She is crazy beautiful, trust me, I have never seen a lady so beautiful like her. She has a wonderfull smile, her eyes are beautiful and captivating. Her hair is dark brown. She is fully natural, no tatoo, no piercing. She has a grace in her move, grace given by ballet practicing. In front of her, it is hard to not fall in love. She is also cultured and intelligente, social time is high level. About intimate moment, I let you to discover her. She likes very much that you provide her pleasure, she enjoys a lot of some tricks about her feet.What to say more, I think nothing. I am really captivated by Marie. Just one thing, she is very skinny, I like very much, may be it will not please to everybody. Marie is really awesome. She can be Ludmilla in the fary tale of Pushkin Ruslan and Ludmilla, this princess with the most beautiful feet of the kingdom, and where you, Russlan, pass the main time to deliver her
Voilà mon éval du 8 avril de cette année que j'avais laissé sur son ancien profile (qui n'est plus actif) :I have decided to meet Kristy. I was surprised she didn't have recent review. So, it was a surprise to see, she is exactly like her pictures, she is very beautiful. she is tall, very thin, she like very much sport, and she is very flexible too, even I didn't ask for some demonstration. She speaks easily in english, so social time is very interesting. She is also very clever. I have a very good time, even her bedroom is quite little (the bed is little, may be less than her). I want to see her again, she is very impressive. I have liked so much to taste her body, and to taste her feet. She will be in my livejournal (only selected girls in my livejournam).C'est de loin la plus belle femme que j'ai croisé dans ma vie, elle est tellement belle intérieurement qu'extérieurement.
Vu la dernière fois à Paris, c'est une fille d'une beauté inimaginable, gentille, très causante, très intelligente, de loin la plus belle femme (intérieur et extérieur) que j'ai pu croiser dans ma vie, et Dieu sait si j'en ai eu beaucoup.
Well, a nice girl, who shows that she has a very flexible body.,Hope she can bend also her back. I am afraid to visit her, she seems to speak only chinese.
Very beautiful lady, I hope she has a very very flexible body
Good, a girl who has a very flexible body; miam
Cambrure de reve. Pouvez vous vous cambrer encore plus?
On last pic, this girl is very beautiful.
Beautiful gir, I like your pics, taken as natural as possibe. I just want to know if you have a very very flexible body?
Beautiful girl, plum. I hope she have a very flexible body.
I met her on 20th of May. What to say more than the first time. She is crazy beautiful, trust me, I have never seen a lady so beautiful like her. She has a wonderfull smile, her eyes are beautiful and captivating. Her hair is dark brown. She is fully natural, no tatoo, no piercing. She has a grace in her move, grace given by ballet practicing. In front of her, it is hard to not fall in love. She is also cultured and intelligente, social time is high level. About intimate moment, I let you to discover her. She likes very much that you provide her pleasure, she enjoys a lot of some tricks about her feet.What to say more, I think nothing. I am really captivated by Marie. Just one thing, she is very skinny, I like very much, may be it will not please to everybody. Marie is really awesome. She can be Ludmilla in the fary tale of Pushkin Ruslan and Ludmilla, this princess with the most beautiful feet of the kingdom, and where you, Russlan, pass the main time to deliver her
Voilà mon éval du 8 avril de cette année que j'avais laissé sur son ancien profile (qui n'est plus actif) :I have decided to meet Kristy. I was surprised she didn't have recent review. So, it was a surprise to see, she is exactly like her pictures, she is very beautiful. she is tall, very thin, she like very much sport, and she is very flexible too, even I didn't ask for some demonstration. She speaks easily in english, so social time is very interesting. She is also very clever. I have a very good time, even her bedroom is quite little (the bed is little, may be less than her). I want to see her again, she is very impressive. I have liked so much to taste her body, and to taste her feet. She will be in my livejournal (only selected girls in my livejournam).C'est de loin la plus belle femme que j'ai croisé dans ma vie, elle est tellement belle intérieurement qu'extérieurement.
What a so beautyful lady, what a shame she is not in Paris?
I love vhen girl shows that they are flexible. Flexigirl are the best for sex, trust me...
Vu la dernière fois à Paris, c'est une fille d'une beauté inimaginable, gentille, très causante, très intelligente, de loin la plus belle femme (intérieur et extérieur) que j'ai pu croiser dans ma vie, et Dieu sait si j'en ai eu beaucoup.
Flexi girl are the best
Elle est sur Paris, l'ai vu ce dimanche, et elle est encore sur Paris, c'est une fille de chez stroll.xxx, une soeur jumelle sans doute
Ca m'étonnerait, cette famous agency, c'est quoi d'abord cette famous agency. Cette fille est chez VIP à Paris.
Have you been in your youth ballerina or gymnast?
Well, a nice girl, who shows that she has a very flexible body.,Hope she can bend also her back. I am afraid to visit her, she seems to speak only chinese.
Effectively, crazy beautiful, very nice feet, awesome arched back, miam...
Very nice lady, very beautiful, I am so fond about Russian ladies, they are the most perfect ladies in the world
Cette jeune femme semble etre très souple, voir photo n°4.
This young lady seems to be very flexible, check picture n° 4.
Beautiful and elegant