par BMX55
20 Septembre 2019

Hey Sandra, "profession liberale" are you even declared in the french authority and do you pay your taxes here? :) If not, don't call yourself "profession liberale", because it is considered as working in the black market, coming as a "tourist" in a AirBnb or Hotel and use this time to meet men to get money, that's highly punished here, even in a liberal country, there are laws and rules to respect. Plus this kind of "slut jobs" is not considered as a job here. So please before starting to act like a diva with guys and moquing about them because they denounce increase of prices that make no sense in your case, just maybe because you are more hungry, and nothing to do about what other girls practice which is completely wrong, is not very feminine and gives you more a narcissic image. Have good fun with your regulars, until they find another girl to fuck and leave you behind, that's what mostly happens with girls who get big headed and think they're irristible, a day or another all women hit the wall. In my case I was looking to book you, but that was when you were new and more down to earth, good for me that I waited before doing it. Ciao

par Sandra Paris
18 Septembre 2019

Dear, we are living in a free country and I am "profession libérale", meaning that I choose my rates freely.
You might think that it is too high, but if you snoop a little bit further, you will see by yhourself some companion proposing the double or the triple for the very same duration....
If you cannot afford my rates and I am deeply and truly sorry for that, I stay convinced that you are able to find a companion closer to your rexpectations.
Nevertheless, it is beyond understanding and quite irrelevant  that you could come on my profile to disclose such a bitterness as I keep the very same rate to my loyal and regular companions. Rates stay the same for them and it is more than 3 years that I come frequently to Paris. You could have been one of them. Why did not you come to me before?
To end it up, it is just 30 roses more than the regular rate in Paris. 30 roses....!!! Is that such a problem for you ?? Are you that financially desperate that 30 roses becomes an obstacle ??
If yes, I am so sorry for you and hope that you will soon be able to afford a better living

par Sandra Paris
30 Juillet 2019

Hear me and rejoice :-)
Unexpected, surprising but fully rejoicing I will be back in Paris for a very short duration.
From the 2nd to the 11th of August......
Come on up and join !!!!

par Pipob1
28 Juin 2019

I wrote you a few monthes ago. I didn't met you this time but I surely will in september.
Have a good trip. Pierre

par Sandra Paris
3 Juin 2019

Thank you for the nice words dears. I appreciate !!
My philosophy is about : "if you play fair, you will be rewarded anytime, anywhere, no matter the circumstances" Spreading love, joy anf happiness

par Sandra Paris
20 Mai 2019

Well best is to text me and I will give you all the info smiley

par BMX55
20 Mai 2019

Hi Sandra, who is your friend? Does she have a website?

par Sandra Paris
20 Novembre 2018

SaintNic, 7 comments and all of them to critize and display bitterness....
How is your life going ?? Feeling desperate ? Anything useful to provide to your colleagues apart of "Phone does not answer" "no phone number on your ad" "70kg, really ??" Is that usefull to the punter community ?
Anyway, I ma not into negative people, there are nay of them, but rather the happy and positive ones. Wish you the best and pray that your phone will always work :-)


par SaintNic
20 Novembre 2018

Your Highness,
May I suggest that if you're out of town, as you say, you may click the option "proflie currently inactive", or indicate your new  location, so that the beggars keen on paying your stipend, won't bother you anymore ?

par Sandra Paris
28 Octobre 2018

Back in Paris. Saddle up !!!
