Malheureusement d'autres escortes font pareil en posant des lapins sans prévenir et sans s'excuser plus tard.
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Malheureusement d'autres escortes font pareil en posant des lapins sans prévenir et sans s'excuser plus tard.
Hello otakudid.
In fact I do not receive gentlemen whom are used to issue fake bookings for fun. That could be the reason whay I did not agree to welcome you up.
The second option could be that you send me a SMS like : "prix?" I always answer this kind of SMS: "When you will be able to write "Hello" and "Please". I receive only gentlemen. Just try to introduce yourself politely and you will enjoy some reciprocity.
Let me correct one thing in particular: I am never rude through SMS no matter the context or the purpose. I stay firm but polite and friendly anytime.
I wish you the very best
Why was my comment erased? i stand by my comments, I've tried unsuccessfully twice to make an appointment. The only response I received was rather abrupt and rude. Maybe she'd had a bad day, but still..