Thank you for the Warm and kind words, would love to come to your city someday :)))))) <3
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En tout cas c'est une des plus belles trans qui existe. Pour le reste... je ne saurais dire. Si elle vient à Strasbourg, je me laisserai peut-être tenté pour me faire ma propre idée...
I will only meet guys who treats trans woman with love and kindness so very likely I will reject some people over the phone as i like to do so doesn’t mean I am an star. I want to enjoy my time with a real gentlemen’s I choose to because I do this for fun, not as a job and it’s my freedom to do as I please. You should NOT* really be writing off reviews just because you had a phone call with me or didn’t got along with me over the phone but if it’s not too obvious to say to write reviews if you met the person. I understand some of your anger that I reject some of you over the phone but you shouldn’t take it so badly and write off reviews because it’s my freedom to do as I please and see whoever I feel comfortable with once’s we talked over the phone.
Vu les commentaires de Abracadabra75 et Marvin.Arnaud, sans parler de la tartine de texte complètement hors de propos, je ne vais même pas essayer de la joindre. Dommage, il n'y a pas beaucoup de trans qui acceptent les couples.. Your text and behavior, as described by other users, isn't attractive at all. We are not looking for your complete bio, but for good time with a nice and smiling person, that doesn't pretend to be 'a star'.
Thanks for all the sweet messages ❤️ and for you Marvin who judged me simply by the telephone.. it's hard to get to know someone over by the telephone specially when 90% of the people calling me is just wasting my time só if you haven't to go know me in person to judge me by the telephone it's two different things.. it's not really a real experience unfortunately. The whole point of everything in here is when you meet someone, unfortunately you cannot really count on everything on the Internet or on over the telephone.. too bad you haven't got to know the real me in person ❤️
Moi aussi j'etais tres tenté par cette beauté mais j'ai laché l'affaire il y a un moment déja (avant la crise sanitaire).
Imbue de sa personne et se prend pour une star.